So Much Information

Rebel Purl Yarn Shop

303 S Hickory Drive Bloomington, IN 47403

812-803-YARN (9276) - there is currently no voicemail, but the phone is answered during open hours.


  • Monday-Tuesday - Closed
  • Wednesday, Thursday - 5PM-8PM
  • Friday, Saturday, Sunday - 1-5PM
  • Additional Hours available by appointment, just email to request!


Masks. Masks are optional while shopping but if there is a gather indoors (such as craft nights or classes) masks will be required.


Classes / Scholarships

If you want to take a class, information and dates will be posted under "The More You Know" tab.  If you are unable to afford a class but want to learn OR want to support someone who needs a little monetary boost, there will be a scholarship fund setup.  More details available in store.

Find us on the web


  • Also find groups on Discord for the Friendly Neighborhood Craftivists, Yarn & Craft Retreat Planning and Creepy Craft Retreat Planning






Local pick up is now available! Ready To Ship colors are ready within 1 hour on days the shop is open.  If we are not open, your order will be ready for pickup upon opening the next open day at the shop.  If you need it sooner, email me about a time to pick it up at the shop.  Dyed To Order colors are ready within 7-21 days of your order being placed and you will receive an email to let you know your order is ready and waiting at the store.

Rebel Purl yarns are available dyed to order.  Pre-dyed skeins will be available under Ready To Ship Yarns.  For all Dyed To Order colors, it will be 7-21 days after ordering for your yarn to be shipped.  

I will ship internationally, but I cannot guarantee the delivery timeline as that varies so much based on destination.  I also cannot fully refund if there is an issue with international shipping.  As shipping can take up to a month or more to some places, I can only refund up to 70% of your purchase (minus shipping cost) if your item still has not arrived after 45 days.  Contact me with any concerns.


The Dyer

I'm Mary, AKA QuietRiotGrrrl around the interwebs.  I live in Bloomington Indiana with my person and puppies, but some days I miss Seattle like crazy.  My obsession with yarn began with a library book and a really quiet evening temp gig.  Now I don't know what I would do without my yarnie friends.  Much of my knitting is done while watching horror, sci-fi and fantasy.  Yarn dying is usually done with some bad dancing or listening to podcasts and audiobooks.  My favorite color is All of them!  And my all time favorite word has to be Schpadoinkle.  

Contact me by email at or message me online.