Freindly Neighborhood Craftivists - Monthly on Thursdays

Friendly Neighborhood Craftivists - This will be a night for us to come together as a community and revolt.  With crafts.  Bring in skills, knowledge or items to trade, gift or barter. Come in to discuss what we are doing or what we need help with locally to try to survive and help our community thrive.  Or just come in to craft with supportive humans. Just to be clear: we are anti-fascist, anti-racist, feminist, pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ+, trans supporting, mental health caring crafters.

We have done a seed swap and are planning a future plant swap.  We have a protest flag making event and are planning a punk rock patch night.

If you are in the community and would like an assist with something, we have a box setup at the shop where notes can be dropped or you can email Mary at or drop by the shop on a craftivist night.  We don't have money, but we will help in ways that we are able or help find the right person who can.